Private Duty Speech Therapy
in Miami, Florida

At Great Heroes Home Healthcare we take a lot of pride in our speech therapy program as it allows seniors to overcome their disability, and continue to enjoy their life. The skilled professionals that are employed by our agency work with the elderly on overcoming their condition with the aim of accurately diagnosing speech disorders and restoring lingual function.
Our private duty speech therapy program focuses on fixing speech disorders that vary from communication and language impairment to cognitive and swallowing disorders. At Great Heroes Home Healthcare, we begin by establishing a connection with our clients to better understand their condition, capabilities and needs.
The three most significant issues we focus on are communication, cognitive problems, and trouble with swallowing.
Then we progress to medium difficulty tasks such as speaking with the help of pictures or icons, and, finally, more challenging tasks such as teaching seniors how to use oral motor and breathing exercises., We also aim to educate family members on the patient’s condition to augment our therapy program.

At Great Heroes Home Healthcare we also provide patients with high-end care if they have dysphagia, more commonly known as difficulty swallowing. This can happen to anyone at any stage of life due to illness or injury and can result in aspiration, pneumonia, and weight loss. In order to prevent these serious health issues, our skilled staff helps older adults with swallow strategies, train them with oral motor skills, and assist them with creating an appropriate diet.
Contact Great Heroes Home Healthcare on (305) 456-2396 to schedule an appointment with our skilled speech therapists and look forward to better health and communication.
Book Private Duty Speech Therapy in Miami, Florida with Great Heroes Home Healthcare today!

Service Area
- Miami-Dade, FL
- Monroe, FL
Contact Us
Miami, FL 33185 USA